Numbers in taper, recovery and "offseason" are sad to see. Love the return to lifting, feeling stronger through my core and upper body. My very few swims have felt much better than at the end of the season (although I'm clearly losing swim fitness) with the improved core strength. Runs have been short and slow. Almost all of my cycling has been indoors on the trainer before the sun comes up in the morning.
Swim: 16,300 yards
Bike: 240 miles
Run: 64.5 miles
Weights: 2 kettlebells
Yoga: 1x during recovery week
Total training time: 32.2 hrs
Swim: 5,600 yards - 2 sessions all month :-(
Bike: 242 miles
Run: 38 miles
Other cardio: 6hrs
Weights: 8 kettlebell sessions, 2 freeweights, 1 yoga
Total training time: 33.8 hrs
I've been reading others' posts about 2011 goals and tentative race schedules. I am feeling quite at a loss. In the 2 weeks after my first 70.3 I had lots of thoughts about things I want to work on but so far I haven't been able to figure out a plan for improving my swim bike run. Getting back to weights is certainly a good thing for the offseason; I guess I didn't have a sense of how long I would actually be away from the endurance part of s-b-r. I think not knowing where we will be living come July has also made it hard for me to think about goals/races for 2011 so the carrot isn't out there in front of me in a way that provides some additional motivation and orientation...
Friday Funny 2417: Fitness Funnies
22 hours ago