A few weeks ago someone put a google calendar into their blog to show their training schedule. I can't seem to find that awesome blogger now but would very much like to do it. Any suggestions about how to sync my google calendar with my blog? Or perhaps one of the kind (and few) people who reads my blog and is part of the larger running blogging community might remember who it was who did this and I can follow up with her... Thanks!
Rachel ~ was it Jill?
ReplyDeleteHey Rachel, took me awhile to figure out how I did that over a year ago. ha. Here's the steps:
ReplyDelete1) Go into your google calendar (igoggle)
2) Click on Settings
3) Click on Calendars Tab
4) Click on Share this calendar (make it public)
5) Click on the calendar (Calendar Details Screen)
6) scroll down to where is says embed this calendar. You can copy this code in the text box or customize it bigger or whatever and then copy the code (this is HTML).
7) Go to your blog and select Layout
8) Add a gadget at the bottom of the layout, selec Java/HTML gadget
9) Paste the HTML you copied in step 6 and save the gadget and layout.
Hope this helps. Email me if you need anything further: runlikeagirljp@gmail.com
Happy Monday (ugh. haha).